Sunday, September 7, 2008

Every little girl's dream

Shot a wedding yesterday for a whopping 15 hours. I have not edited or sorted the photos yet, but there was one that I had to post because I just love it so much. It is high on the list of "unique" wedding photos I have taken over the years...and I just think it is cute :-)

This little girl was just completely mesmerized by the whole wedding ceremony. She sat there watching the bride's every move, and I could just see how "every little girl's dream" begins to form at such a young age :-)


Kim said...

It's true-you should have seen Naomi, at 2 1/2...I have this one picture of her looking up at me with these amazed eyes as I was getting ready.

After she went home she went around with a blanket on her head saying she was married.

To this day she sometimes refers to it as her wedding (oh yea, Kim's) ;)

Mike Brown said...

really cute pic idea. good job.